
Tymek Borowski & Paweł Śliwiński

more at obieg.pl


Jean Baudrillard once said: I must go to the store to buy some
bread. And he did.

This exhibition could not have come to be in any other location.
It could only be amongst these tables, chairs, and all the
other fantastic (in our own opinion) decorations of the Club
Room of the Bielany Cultural Center. We don’t know why exactly,
but it spoke to our senses. We don’t need to know this, it
is not important.

This exhibition is the result of intuitive creation of a good exhibition
of good art. When we prepared this exhibition we didn’t
consider its message, concept, reason or outcome. This exhibition
isn’t about something. It is something.

In one word, we have no idea about what’s going on here.

We created in this place a somewhat physically real arrangement
of chosen objects. A good arrangement of good objects
according to our artistic intuition. If this exhibition is understood
by its viewers on a visual, emotional, intellectual or
whatever kind of level, then this will mean that this is a good
exhibition. The stronger its impact, the better it will be.

Art is not communication, it is not a language. If we want to say
something, we say it. Art is the act of creating real existing objects,
occurrences and systems. They exist in reality, they are
real things like a real, existing stone, tree or sunset. A beautiful
sunset is the result of physical processes in the atmosphere,
has no reason at all in itself. Art is the same. It is the result of
processes working within an artist and his or her surroundings,
but it has no reason, it doesn’t communicate anything.

It just is."


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